Catch me in the Mountains Tray


Embark on a journey of creativity and discovery with our Mountain Lake Play Tray, meticulously crafted to spark the imaginations of young explorers. This unique play tray features a beautifully detailed landscape of serene lakes surrounded by majestic mountains, providing a perfect backdrop for imaginative play.

Constructed from durable materials, this tray is designed to withstand the rigors of daily play. Its realistic topography encourages children to create their own miniature worlds, whether they’re reenacting adventures in the wild or inventing new stories set in enchanted landscapes.

Ideal for small world play, this tray helps develop spatial awareness, storytelling skills, and cognitive development. It's not just a play area, but a tool for education and creativity that grows with your child. Suitable for use with figurines, water, sand, and natural materials, it offers endless possibilities for play and learning.

Transform any playroom into a dynamic environment where children can learn about nature, geography, and the power of their own imaginations with the Mountain Lake Play Tray. It’s the perfect gift for young adventurers and creative minds, ready to explore the vastness of their creativity.

Get the Imagination