ResBin: Botanical Bubbly Edition


What’s Included

1 flower spoon

1 clear pretend vase

1 large coffee cup with flowers

coffee ingredients

1 flower mini cup

Ways to Play:

1. **Coffee Shop Role Play:** Set up a coffee shop role-playing scenario. Assign roles such as barista and customer, and take turns serving and ordering different types of pretend coffee drinks. Use the kit's accessories like cups, saucers, and spoons to create an authentic coffee shop experience.

2. **Pretend Picnic:** Organize a pretend picnic indoors or outdoors. Use the coffee kit to prepare and serve coffee for a doll or stuffed animal tea party. Create a cozy atmosphere with blankets and cushions, and enjoy a leisurely coffee-themed picnic.

3. **Cafe Owner Exploration:** Encourage your child to take on the role of a cafe owner. They can arrange the coffee cups, saucers, and accessories, design a menu, and invite family members or friends to enjoy the coffee shop they've created.

4. **Barista Training:** Let your child take on the role of a barista and learn about different types of coffee drinks. They can practice making cappuccinos, lattes, and other coffee creations using the kit's accessories.

5. **Coffee Tasting:** Arrange a coffee tasting session. Pretend to brew various types of coffee using different "beans" and let your child explore the different aromas and flavors. Discuss the "origins" of each coffee and rate them like real coffee connoisseurs.

6. **Baking and Coffee Combo:** Combine the coffee kit with a play baking set. Bake pretend treats like cookies or pastries and serve them alongside the coffee drinks. Your child can play both the baker and barista roles.

7. **Morning Routine Play:** Incorporate the coffee kit into a morning routine playtime. Pretend to wake up, make coffee, read a newspaper, and enjoy a quiet morning just like grown-ups do.

8. **Coffee Truck Adventure:** Turn the coffee kit into a mobile coffee truck. Use a toy cart or box on wheels to create a coffee truck setup. Your child can serve coffee to "customers" around the house.

9. **Coffee-Related Stories:** Use the coffee kit to inspire storytelling. Create stories around the coffee theme, whether it's about a coffee shop adventure, a coffee-loving character, or a magical coffee journey.

10. **Coffee Shop Art:** Encourage artistic expression by having your child draw or paint their own coffee shop scene using the coffee kit as inspiration. They can design the coffee cups, layout, and decorations.

Remember, imaginative play is all about creativity and exploration. Let your child's ideas flow and adapt these suggestions to suit their interests and preferences. With a resin pretend coffee kit, the possibilities for creative play are as endless as the types of coffee drinks!

Get the Imagination